Portable trade show display - Pop Up Magnetic - Expolinc

Exhibition Stands

Exhibition stands are essential for creating a professional and eye-catching presence at trade shows, exhibitions, and events. Our Exhibition stands are modular, tool-free, and portable, providing flexibility and convenience for exhibitors. With changeable graphics, you can easily update your display to match the theme of any event.
Exhibition stand event trade show exhibition stands event trade show Exhibition stands for trade show and event. Exhibition stands for trade show and event. Exhibition stands for trade show and event. Exhibition stands for trade show and event.

Roll-ups & Banner Systems

Roll-ups and Banner Systems are essential for exhibitions, events, and branding. These portable solutions are lightweight, easy to transport, and designed for quick setup and repeated use. Compared to our other product categories, these displays are smaller and even faster to assemble, making them the perfect choice for high-impact branding with minimal effort.
Expolinc Banner Systems front page Expolinc Roll Up Classic Hero Expolinc 4 Screen Classic Hero Expolinc Fabric Stand Hero Expolinc Light Frame Mini Hero Expolinc Magnet Frame Hero Expolinc Roll Up Compact Hero

Exhibition Counters

Exhibition counters are essential for showcasing your brand at exhibitions and events. Our range of Exhibition Counters is designed for easy setup, portability, and stability, making them perfect for any event. These counters are not only functional but also provide a professional space for meetings, marketing, and brand visibility.
Expolinc Counters front page Expolinc Case Counter Hero Expolinc Classic Frame Counter Hero Expolinc Fold Out Counter Hero Expolinc Info Counter Hero Expolinc Light Frame Counter Hero Expolinc Soft Image Counter Hero Expolinc Standard Case Hero


Accessories and furniture play a vital role in enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of your exhibition or event booth. Designed for both convenience and style, our range of accessories includes solutions for brochures, displays, monitors, and portable tables.
Expolinc Accessories front page Expolinc Brochure Stand Hero Expolinc Info Stand Hero Expolinc Monitor Stand Hero Expolinc Panel Base Hero Expolinc Portable table Hero

Trade show & event

We offer a variety of customizable trade show and event display examples, from compact 9m² setups to large 88m² configurations. Using the Classic Frame and Light Frame systems, each display can be tailored with options like storage rooms and backlit frames. Easy to transport and quick to set up, our displays are perfect for any trade show or event.
Expolinc Trade show Event front page
Exhibition stands for trade show and event.

Pop Up Magnetic

Combine Pop Up Magnetic structures to design your ideal trade show booth. Choose from straight and curved structures of various heights and widths. All parts are portable, tool-free, and easy to set up. Ready-made packages with different packing solutions are also available.
  • The worlds easiest Pop Up to set up
  • Flexible heights, widths and curves
  • Unlimited possibilities to customise your look
Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Hero2

World's easiest trade show display

Build your ideal trade show booth

Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Slider 01
Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Slider 02
Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Slider 03
Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Slider 04
Expolinc Pop Up Magnetic Slider 05


No. of squares2x33x34x3
Width (mm)191525353065
Height (mm)222422242224
Depth (mm)510710970
Weight, package (kg) - Basic 8,510,4 12,3
Weight, package (kg) - Travel 15,518,020,0
Weight, package (kg) - Standard 23,025,527,5
Weight, package (kg) - Case & Counter26,529,031,0
No. of squares2x33x34x3
Width (mm)201627493482
Height (mm)222422242224
Depth (mm)322322322
Weight, package (kg) - Basic 8,810,812,8
Weight, package (kg) - Travel 15,818,420,5
Weight, package (kg) - Standard 23,325,928,0
Weight, package (kg) - Case & Counter26,829,431,5
No. of panels3
Height (mm)2224
Diameter (mm)643
Weight, package (kg)5,5

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